Thursday, July 12, 2007

Generations in the Workforce

i read this article a couple months ago and it was very very interesting. Summary - there are 4 different generations currently in the workforce and we all behave differently based on the experiences that have happend during our lives.


For the first time ever in Canadian history, there are four generations of people on the work force at the same time. As so-called Traditionalists, Boomers, Gen Xers, and Gen Yers intersect in the workplace, their attitudes, ethics, values, and behaviours can sometimes lead to misunderstandings and potential conflict.

Traditionalists: Born between 1922 and 1945
Baby Boomers Born between 1946 and 1964
Gen Xers: Born between 1965 and 1980
Gen Yers: Born between 1981 and 1999

While most of us are sensitive to the role different cultural backgrounds play in people’s work and learning styles, their approaches to communication, and their attitudes toward authority and leadership, we might not have thought enough about age difference being a determining factor when it comes to workplace divisions.

Social scientists and demographers are now pointing to the differences between the generations as a strong variable determining interactions and work-styles in the workplace.

While a handful of sociologists differ as to the exact dates, the most popular division of the four generations is as follows:

If you want to read more check it out :) the article describes each generation.

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