Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Story about the ugly shoe

There once was a shoe... and it was SOOOO ugly (not like dolphins - they are cute!). These ugly plastic shoes are better known as Crocs.... And you ALL know what i'm talking about.

Now I must ask... WHY?? Why would you buy such an ugly shoe?

Whenever I talk about crocs and how ugly they are, all i hear from people are "Oh but I hear they are very comfortable". What do i have to say to that? Well... you don't see me wearing my pajammas to work, or sweatpants and runners to a wedding or a fancy restaurant! I will admit that there is a market for crocs... cottages, beaches, gardens...and any other non-public place.

I would also like to point out that I am not alone on these thoughts. Shoewawa readers voted Crocs as the Ugly Shoe of 2005! (not only are we Canadian's wearing ugly crocs, but we are apparently wearing them after europeans have already deamed them ugly).

And that is the story of the ugly shoe... stay tuned for more Fashion "problems"... perhaps next topic will be these skinny jeans...


Anonymous said...

Finally...i fucking hate these shoes with a passion. Actually i shouldnt even call them shoes. They're not. They are one piece of moulded plastic crap. I think the people who designed these shoes must have had a room full of drunk moneys with down syndrome, gave them some pencils and put all their designs together and then end result was this monstrosity. So if you own some of these crocs do us all a favor and wear then only inside the house on days where you do nothing but clean. I dont want to see them in public anymore than i want to see fat chicks wearing spandex so tight you can tell what kind of underwear they are wearing....GROSS!!!!!!!!!! In summation buy these and consider yourself an automatic social outcast so do yourself and everyone else a solid by eating til you gain an unsightly amount of weight and then being on of those Maury people who cant get out of their own house they are so fat and that will ensure that we never have to see these fucking shoes again. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Please continue with the skinny jeans!! skinny people are the only ones who can (and should) wear them, I can't believe they're back.